+81 (0)3 4530 9631




Effectively treats dry and cracked skin on the heels!

Cracked heel skin is a common foot problem and is also referred to as heel fissures. They are caused by dry skin and are made complicated if the skin around heel becomes thick.

If the cracked skin remains untreated it begins to pain due to the deep wounds and is made worse by standing, walking and wearing shoes or sandals.

HEELCARE moisturizing patch is very effective and promotes healing faster than by simply the application of creams and the like to the skin surface in the usual manner in which they are quickly worn away when there is no protective covering for them. Regular application of these moisturizing patches prevents development of dry heel skin and maintain healthy and smooth heel.

The HEELCARE moisturizing patch invention solves the problem of dehydrated skin on the heel of the human foot. It’s made of a flexible non-wowen material that is coated with a pressure–sensitive adhesive and has a non-adhesive area made from hydrogel in the center.

The patch stays on the foot by using pressure-sensitive adhesive that sticks to the heel. Unlike other similar products, this patch stays in place. By using HEELCARE moisturizing patch most common foot problems can be easily avoided and simply treated.